Filling the Bucket


Finding Inspiration

There are times when staring at a blank page will get you nowhere.  Some times you have to walk around and think, some times you have to put the project aside and let it percolate, and sometimes you need to feed your muse.

Here are some strategies for fueling your writing project.  It is up to you to decide where the line is between gathering inspiration and goofing off.

  • Draw pictures of your characters, or decide what actors would play them in a movie.  Having a visual of your character will help you not only with basic description, but will aid in thinking about how they move, what they wear, and how others treat them.
  • Make lists of scenes in movies, tv and books that really got to you, that stuck with you for years after.  Are there similarities between the scenes?  Think about how to add that certain something to your own work.
  • If your story is set in a certain place, try to visit something similar. Look to see if a local park, museum or historical building can spark a new perspective on your story.
  • Do a “spin-off” to get a fresh perspective of your characters or story.    Try writing from another point of view, doing an interview with your characters or write a scene like it was a screenplay.
  • Take a long walk, meditating on what should  happen next in your story.
  • Go to a library and grab as many books as you can find that relate to your story.  Check them all out and skip through them for little fact gems to sprinkle into your story. Use this wisely, unless you are writing for a factoid heavy book.
  • Join a group of friends and have a group creativity session.  Paint, draw and craft.
  • Go on an adventure- try something you have not done before, like a cave tour, hot air balloon ride or canoeing.
Whatever you do to refuel your muse, make sure you get back to writing at some point.



One Comment

  1. Kathleen said:

    I have to confess I don’t really suffer from writer’s block. At work we say that writer’s block doesn’t mean, “I can’t write,” but really means “I can’t write anything good.” We joke that we just don’t let that stop us. 🙂
    But I love the idea that my writing would get better if I went canoeing! That sounds lovely today 🙂

    May 13, 2012

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