Craft felt fun!

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I had a blast making things after reading the book “Big Little Felt Universe” by Jeanette Lin.


I made a hammer and a slice of cake from her book, using just sheets of craft felt, needle, thread, cardboard and stuffing.  I then went nuts looking for ideas on Pinterest.  Just by eyeballing pictures I was able to make a few more things.

Cupcakes and the TARDIS


Dave the Minion


The world (I used a world map from Skidmore College)

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I have found a new hobby!  Since I gave these all as gifts, my kids want some too- one wants a hammer, the other a TARDIS. The two best tips I learned from making these things is that you need a good pair of small, sharp scissors, and you should stuff your creations, not just cover a hollow cardboard shape (my son crushed the TARDIS and it had to have emergency repairs.)


  1. Tisha said:

    They came out great Jane!

    January 1, 2014
  2. I didn’t realize you MADE that hammer! How cool!

    January 2, 2014

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