Tag: <span>cosplay</span>

I love my son’s faith in my abilities. Less than a month before Halloween he asks me to create an octoling costume. “What, those squid people from the video game…

Creativity show

Creativity show textile arts

textile arts

Creativity show

Working on the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds costume for my daughter.  I made the helmet out of sheets of felt and some old plastic sunglass lenses.

Creativity show textile arts

Dragoncon (Get off my lawn!) This year I brought my whole family to Dragoncon.  There were over 62,000 people there, and it showed.  What happens is each year, everyone who…

Gamer's Guide to Life

Whirlwind Tour of Dragoncon 2013 I’m taking my family to Dragoncon 2014.  I have some costume ideas, but thought I would look back at last year for some inspiration… alternate…

Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts